Saturday, December 29, 2007


Jus watched the hour glass
And saw the time pass
Look how long we've been around each other

And found a chance to get together

When we came we were just teens
Now we are grown ups with dreams
It now seems like few days
Not realising the years that slipped away

When nothing much stayed wrong?
whatever we ever did –

Could last a lifetime long!

If people were to ask me
What I dream about

It’s being back here again
Without a single doubt.
Yet deep down inside of me
I know that that can never be

Its hard to see these days slip away
Like a pyramid of sand!
No matter wat you say
I don’t want to understand

Before we even know, we’ll be gone
As soon as the light hits the morn
May be its time to be on our own
Or may be its time for us to work our fingers to the bone

There is no truth in the rumour that parting is sweet
Instead it leaves one incomplete
And when we go our seperate way

This feeling will always stay